CRS led Component 3 of BASICS-II project collaborated with Component 5 led by IITA to build the capacities of CSEs in the use of the novel SeedTracker app in the
Day: September 2, 2022

Market Day PromotionsMarket Day Promotions
CRS working with the Seed Entrepreneur Networks in Benue and Kogi States organized Market Day Promotions across various locations in Benue and Kogi states in July/August 2022 to step up

Final Field Certification ExerciseFinal Field Certification Exercise
More than 95% of fields established in 2021 have been inspected by NASC. The pass rate for fields inspected is about 95%. Plans have been made for inspection of the

Stepdown Trainings in Benue and Kogi StatesStepdown Trainings in Benue and Kogi States
CRS provided mentoring for CSEs and SENs in both Benue and Kogi States in form of support and guidance during step-down trainings in Basic Cassava Agronomy, Cassava Variety Identification, Disease